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Wessex Search and Rescue

Byrlton House, Vallis Way, Frome, BA11 3BD

Tel: 0870 2001 999

Flood Plan Checklist
Keep a list of useful numbers to hand eg: your local council, the emergency services, your insurance company and Floodline - 0845 988 1188.

Have a few sandbags or floorboards prepared to block doorways and airbricks.

Make up a Flood Kit, including a torch, blankets, waterproof clothing, wellingtons, a portable radio, first aid kit, rubber gloves and key personal documents. Keep it upstairs, if possible.

Talk about possible flooding with your family or those you live with. Consider writing a Flood Plan, and store these notes with your Flood Kit.

Make sure you know where to turn off your gas and electricity.

What about your pets? Where will you move them to if a flood is on
the way?

Think about your car. Where could you move it to in the event of a Flood Warning?

Get into the habit of storing valuable or sentimental personal belongings upstairs or in a high place downstairs.

Think about medication. In the event of a flood, you'll still need to take it.

30 floods in 30 months


Flood protection in Salisbury

How to use sandbags

Flood Protection Products

Flood warning! What they mean!

Are you prepared for a flood? Are you prepared for a flood?
What to do when you hear a flood warning What to do when you hear a flood warning
What to do when the flooding starts What to do when the flooding starts
How do you cope after a flood? How do you cope after a flood?
Make a family flood plan Make a family flood plan
How flood warnings are issued How flood warnings are issued

Information can be read at the Environment Agency web site. Click the logo to visit thier site

Environment Agency